Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The start of mommy boot camp!

Okay, so it's my 2nd day of blogging and all I can think to write about is exercise. Prior to our move from Indy to GB, I was involved in everything at my kids school. Let's just say that I couldn't run for the PTO board because I was the chair of many many events....oh no, what to do! I must admit that I did enjoy it. Being a stay at home mom and being involved in school meant that, well, I really never 'stayed' home. Sometimes we think that helping at our kids schools means that we are really helping them, but in fact it can take away precious family time. So, with this move last year came the need to reflect on myself and my family. A year has gone by now and I simply can't do another year of 'reflection'. It's time to get re-involved. I'll help out in the school but I so need to take care of myself first. I've signed up for Zumba classes and a boot camp through our local YMCA. I'm feeling tired but am loving 'getting' back in the social world. I am loving the inspiration I get from reading blogs about decorating, family and life! Like I said this blog will probably be a bit about everything, at first. I'm still trying to find my groove!

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